Dogs Of The Dow, Turtle Trading Strategies, and Market Breadth
First a reminder: we publish a monthly trading edge during the first two weeks of the month. The monthly Trading Edge contains specific and 100% quantifiable rules for entry and exit presented in plain English and code for Amibroker and Tradestation.
Dogs Of The Dow
The Dogs Of The Dow strategy is well known after Michael B. O’Higgins invented the strategy in 1991. In a recent article, we explain what the strategy is all about and we look at how it has performed:
Turtle Trading strategies
Within the trading community, Turtle Trading Strategies might be even more known than the Dogs Of The Dow.
In the 1980s the famous trader Richard Dennis and William Eckhardt made a pretty bold bet: Can trading be learned or is it a skill you are born with? The result was the now infamous Turtle Trading Experiment.
We made a blog post that looks at what turtle trading is all about and how turtle trading strategies have performed (backtests):
Turtle Trading Strategies: Rules, Statistics, and Backtests – Does It Still Work?
Market breadth trading strategies
In a recent article, we explained what market breadth is and how it can be used in trading. We used the Zweig Breadth Thrust Indicator as an example.
Market Breadth Trading Strategies – What Is It? (Market Breadth and Traders)
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