Famous Traders And Trading Quotes (All About Motivation)
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We have during the spring and summer posted over 50 articles about famous traders. They might not offer you specific trading strategies, but they do give you plenty of motivation and tips to improve. Trading is all about learning!
As a “shortcut”, we have compiled the 50 best trading quotes.
Below we have also included reviews of a number of trading books:
How Jim Simons’ trading strategies Made 66% A Year (The Medallion Fund)
Ed Seykota – Trading Strategies and Quotes (Trend Follower Wizard)
William Eckhardt – The mathematical trader (An early Nassim Taleb)
Micheal Steinhardt – To Make Money Is Should Be A Little Painful
Larry Williams – Indicator Innovator, Trader, And Tax Rebellion
Howard Seidler – an original Turtle Trader (The Turtle Experiment)
Mark D. Cook – market wizard trader and investor (Net worth and strategy)
Trading Literature (Books) with trading strategies:
Mark Spitznagel – Safe Haven Investing (review, takeaways, and summary)
Being Slightly Bonkers Can Serve You Well In Trading (Rory Sutherland Summary)
The Education of a Speculator – Victor Niederhoffer (review, summary, and lessons)
Poker (Trading), Sex And Dying by Juel Anderson And David Caplan
When Genius Failed – Roger Lowenstein (The collapse of LTCM)