Momentum Trading Strategy
Since our last mail, we have added recent statistics and performance metrics for our Short Bundle (+15% in 2022):
We have also added a new bundle: The Holiday Trading Bundle for S&P 500 (SPY/ES)
The strategies come with Amibroker code and logic in plain English for those who code themselves, for example, in Python. One of the strategies has been a monthly trading edge earlier.
Best regards,
Oddmund and Sammy
From QS
[post] Momentum Trading Strategy (How To Trade It – Backtest)
[post] Strategy Bundle 1 Updated With Charts And Metrics – +18% In 2022
[post] Litecoin Trading Strategy (Backtest – How To Trade It - 3 strategies included)
[post] Compounding - The Magic Of A Long-Term Mindset And Delayed Gratification
[tweet] USD vs stocks
We don’t only do short-term trading, we also do long-term investing. Here is a long read that argues against being a hardcore dividend investor (why limit yourself?)
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[post] A Breadth Signal
[post] Short-term vs long-term
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